Pipes\Transport And Storage


Maximum care must be taken to avoid
damage to the end of the pipe lengths,
and to the connections, to ensure that the
joints are sound and correct.
Pipes with cupped ends must be stacked
so that no weight presses on the cupped or
prepared ends. If possible the latter should
be protected.

Loading and transport
Pipes and connections must be loaded
with great care, to avoid damage during
transport. Do not handle pipes carelessly,
not bend them. Avoid contact with sharp
edges and other cutting items.- In winter
take extra care, as the pipes are more
easily damage if they receive knocks at low
The pipes can be damaged (squashed)
by using unsuitable fastenings to keep
the load in place. Use nylon straps for this
purpos, or angular protections if ropes are
to be used.

Unloading and storage
Pipes must always be unloaded using
great care.
They should be stored close to the point of
use on a level flat base so that they do not
become bent or damage during storage.
If the tubes are to be stored for some
time they should be stored out of direct
The maximum staking height is 1.5 m. high.
This height can be exceded only when prepacked
pipes are received and the weight
of one pack rests on the frame of the pack
below it.